The Crucial Importance of Checking NOTAMs Before Every Flight

Flying is an exhilarating experience, and for pilots, safety is paramount. One essential pre-flight ritual that should never be overlooked is checking NOTAMs, or Notices to Airmen. These vital pieces of information play a crucial role in ensuring a safe and efficient flight.

What are NOTAMs?

NOTAMs are real-time notices containing important information for pilots and aviation personnel. They cover a wide range of subjects, including changes in airspace availability, runway closures, navigational aids status, and other factors that could affect the safety of flight operations.

Timely Updates and Changes

Airports and airspace are dynamic environments, subject to changes due to various reasons such as construction, maintenance, or unforeseen events. NOTAMs provide pilots with up-to-date information on these changes, allowing them to adjust their flight plans accordingly. Ignoring NOTAMs could lead to unexpected challenges during a flight.

Safety First

The primary objective of checking NOTAMs is to enhance safety. Pilots need to be aware of any potential hazards or obstacles that might impact their flight. This includes information on temporary flight restrictions, closed runways, or changes in navigational aids that could affect the course of the journey. By staying informed through NOTAMs, pilots can make informed decisions that prioritize the safety of everyone on board.

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with aviation regulations is a fundamental responsibility for pilots. Checking NOTAMs is not just a good practice but a regulatory requirement. Pilots are expected to be aware of all relevant NOTAMs for their planned route and destination. Failure to comply with this obligation can lead to serious consequences, including regulatory sanctions.

In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) governs aviation regulations. The regulations related to NOTAMs can be found in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) under Part 91, which covers General Operating and Flight Rules.

Specifically, the relevant regulation regarding NOTAMs is in 14 CFR 91.103 - Preflight action. This regulation outlines the responsibilities of the pilot in command (PIC) before beginning a flight. Subsection (b) of this regulation specifically addresses obtaining all available information concerning the flight, including NOTAMs:

(i) For civil aircraft for which an approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual containing takeoff and landing distance data is required, the takeoff and landing distance data contained therein; and

(ii) For civil aircraft other than those specified in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, other reliable information appropriate to the aircraft, relating to aircraft performance under expected values of airport elevation and runway slope, aircraft gross weight, and wind and temperature."

This regulation emphasizes the pilot's responsibility to gather all pertinent information, including NOTAMs, to ensure the safety and efficiency of the flight. Always make sure to check the most current version of the regulations, as updates or changes may occur.

Operational Efficiency

Beyond safety and compliance, checking NOTAMs also contributes to operational efficiency. Pilots can anticipate challenges and plan for alternative routes or procedures in advance. This proactive approach ensures smoother operations, reduces in-flight uncertainties, and enhances overall efficiency in the aviation system.

Utilizing Technology

In the modern era, accessing NOTAM information has become more convenient than ever. Pilots can use digital tools and apps that provide real-time updates on NOTAMs specific to their flight plans. Embracing technology makes the process more efficient and allows for quick adjustments based on the latest information.


In the dynamic world of aviation, staying informed is non-negotiable. Checking NOTAMs before each flight is not just a best practice; it is a fundamental aspect of responsible and safe piloting. Pilots who prioritize this pre-flight ritual demonstrate a commitment to safety, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency. As the aviation landscape continues to evolve, embracing the importance of NOTAMs remains a cornerstone for a successful and secure flying experience.

Remember, for every takeoff and landing, checking NOTAMs is your key to a safer and more controlled flight.
